Larry says this is his best and most important book. Our society is in crisis for one major reason: bad parenting. This book addresses the things you must teach your child so they become a responsible, productive adult. Money, honesty, relationship, work ethic and more!
What do people really want? They want what they’ve got. It’s a simple formula. You have what you want because your actions produced your results. Not your words and certainly not your wants. In his signature caustic yet lovable style, Larry Winget dishes out straight talk on what he calls “life’s messes”, and offers sound, simple solutions. Taking on business, family, health, being fat, being stupid, success, money, and more, Larry Winget points out exactly which changes have to take place in order for people to turn their lives around.
It’s time for a swift kick in the pants from The Pitbull of Personal Development®, Larry Winget. Studies say that we actually work only half the time we are on the job. So then whose fault is it when we don’t get the results we want? Stop making excuses for your lack of success and stop acting like someone owes you a living. Larry is here to ruffle your feathers and show you how to take responsibility for your results. Whether you punch a clock, own your own business, or manage other people, Larry’s advice will work for you.
This book is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to turn their life around financially. It will help you take a good look at your priorities and give you solid, tangible, actionable advice you can put to work immediately so you can have a more financially secure future. A budget planner and worksheets are included to help you get your financial life in order.
This is the book that started it all for Larry. His first bestseller and still his most popular. This book has become an icon in the personal development industry and has been translated into many languages. If you want a self-help book that will wake you up or just know someone who needs to read the title, buy this book!
How to Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business, and Your Sanity
In Grow A Pair, Larry takes on entitlement culture, the misguided intentions of the self-help movement, political correctness, and more. This pithy, un-sugarcoated book of advice teaches readers how to reclaim control of their lives and their success by embracing personal responsibility, standing up for themselves, and being assertive in order to get the results they want.
If you think the world is a mess, you already have a lot in common with Larry. The genius and power of his simple approach to turning around the parts of your life that need it has transformed people and businesses all over the world. Now, in this wildly entertaining and informative diagnosis and prescription, he narrows down the singular virus sickening the four most influential aspects in our lives: the people around us, our education system, business, and government. The illness rotting them all out can be blamed on people ignoring their core values.