People love lists. Give somebody ‘Ten Ways To Do This’ or ‘Eights Ways To Do That’ and folks will grab the list and get started. So I am going to give you folks a series of short lists on a variety of topics. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to share them as long as you give credit and realize that this is copyrighted material. And please, if you haven’t already, join the Larry Winget Fan Page on facebook and follow me on twitter!
Twelve Ways To Be A Better Person©
- Keep learning. If you aren’t staying current then you are falling behind.
- Be charitable. It will do your heart good.
- Stay busy. Become known as a person who gets things done.
- Live a life based in honesty and integrity. When you give your word, keep it. When you make a deal, do whatever it takes to make it happen. When you sign a contract, live up to it.
- Be authentic. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t. You will hate yourself for it and the effort to maintain the facade will exhaust you.
- Don’t complain and never whine. No one really wants to hear it anyway, and they have problems of their own they are dealing with.
- Be reliable, flexible, punctual, available and decisive.
- Stand for something. Draw more lines in the sand. Be uncompromising in your expectations, your standards and your values.
- Laugh more. It will do your face good and you’ll live longer.
- Be courteous. Basic courtesy has become a lost value. Do your part to bring it back: open doors, say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome.’
- Be nice. Simple as that: just be nice.
- Exercise and eat right. It’s stupid to be fat and die before you have to.
Based on an excerpt from the New York Times Bestseller, People Are Idiots And I Can Prove It (The Idiot Factor in paperback.)
I love your honesty (#12). Good list. Could add to it but then the list would be too long. Look forward to seeing your presentation at Bob Burg’s Go-Giver Retreat.
Love the list. Of course, it is all common sense, which begs the question: what happened? How did common sense become anything but common? Keep rockin’ this stuff, Larry.
I think #12 should be #1. You cannot do anything at any time if you do not have your health. We only have one body, put the best you can get into it. Then, you can work on #’s 2-12!
Thanx for the list…I will pass it on to my kids….in their early twenties and at that point where they need to hear from someone other than Dad…how do you distinguish being courteous from being nice? just curious…
What a great list! I love the way you are able to simplfy things. Keep it up!
I resent your last comment, “It’s stupid to be fat and die before you have to.” It insinuates that fat people are stupid.
I’m fat.
I was born with a benign brain tumor in my pituitary gland, which flares up from time to time and reeks havoc with my endocrine system. The danger posed by removing it is higher than my risk from obesity because my cranium has a congenital abnormality that has made it thicker where they would normally enter through the frontal sinus to remove it. Furthermore, I was also born with only a pea-size thyroid gland, which is just this side of useless. My chance of being slim is itself between slim and none.
I have had 15 surgeries to date on my intestines, due to complications during pregnancy. My absorbtion has been greatly impacted. Despite taking obcene amounts of vitamins, my vitamin levels are perilously low. Food either wastes or stores. It doesn’t convert well to energy. Some days I feel like a walking zombie, but still I work and do what I have to do, regardless of how I feel. I don’t ask for any valor medals, because we all have our crosses to bear. I excercise, take a handful of meds a day as directed and eat right… and I am still obese.
I am also a single mother of a special needs child. I do a smash-up job raising him, I am supporting him on my own with no child support, and am scrupulously honest. I have accumulated and paid off tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills (ok.. still have about 5K left), just trying to stay healthy enough to be there for him in a tangible way.. not just physical, but REALLY there.
I am acutely aware of how important my health is. I am not stupid. I know more about my condition than most of the doctors I have seen, having researched it at length. Now that I have found a competent endocrinologist that I believe can help me, I can’t afford to see him regularly because he does not accept insurance. (Last visit cost more than half a month’s wages). In short, I am pursuing my health, but the progress is slow. I can’t do everything at once.
Short of wearing a t-shirt with this explanation, I am subjected to judgements by everyone I meet, including you, because of the stereotype about fat people you are encouraging. I am judged by my peers, my work associates, my neighbors, and by complete strangers, thanks to this ignorant overgeneralization that you are propogating. Christ would not have done so, and I would invite you to ask yourself what all those crosses on your wall at home signify. Are they merely a decoration?
Why should I be put in the position where I have to explain, in order to avoid condemnation??? Why do you treat obesity like a character flaw?? It is NOT.
Sure, you can add a p.s. somewhere and insert some cop-out such as “except those with medical conditions”, but who the hell knows who those are?? You can’t tell by looking, and some people don’t know enough to have it looked into.
As you put it, no one wants to hear complaints or what would be perceived as a complaint, so you are cornering people like me into a no-win position. We lose if we tell people what we’re dealing with (as if there were a graceful way to inform people), and we lose if we just endure the condemning comments and glances.
Is being obese worse than being an embezzler? An adulterer? A liar? A rapist? A thief? A murderer? A drug addict? A pedophile? You cross the paths of those every day without knowing, but you choose the easy target — the one you can SEE. You judge it by the symptom — not by the cause.
Larry, I am so disappointed and disgusted. I thought you were a better man than that. You are usually so dead-on. Now you are dead WRONG.
The sad thing about common sense is that it ain’t so common anymore. This list continues on the values of the greatest generation of Americans, when people had a sense of purpose, tradition and values.
Such simple yet important rules to live by. If everyone could follow these it would solve a heck of a lot of problems.
If I could add one more I would offer “Be present”. It means really listening to others, connecting with our kids, enjoying our precious time with each other instead of being constantly distracted.
Love your wisdom Larry!
Elizabeth – I often disappoint and disgust people so you won’t find yourself alone feeling that way. I stand by my statement, which means that I am a better man than most simply because I don’t and won’t back down from telling the truth. Here is the truth whether you like it or not or whether it hurts your feelings or anyone else’s: It IS stupid to be fat if it is the result of overeating and lack of exercise – THAT is what the statement actually says. But you will need to step off your high-horsed soap box and really read it to see that. You responded from a defensive position because you feel that you are judged by your weight. You are. Is it right? Doesn’t matter. The point is that you are. You can cry about it and whine about it and claim that it’s not fair and you might be right but that still doesn’t make it untrue. People are always judged by appearance. Black people, brown people, old people, bald people and even blondes are judged by the way they look. Everyone is. That’s the way the world works – I don’t make the rules but I understand them. You should too. You responded to the truth of my statement because you are a victim. You sound like a victim. Your response reads like a victim. Get over it. More truth: 99.99% of fat people are fat because they overeat and don’t exercise. More truths: We live in the most obese society on earth. We are killing our children by feeding them too much and not requiring them to exercise. We are raising a generation of children who will not outlive their parents. We eat like pigs and spend billions of dollars trying to compensate for it via weight loss drugs and surgery. I have written about all of this and said much more offensive things in all of my books so this is actually a pretty understated rant from me and won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has read my stuff before. Besides Elizabeth, if you are in the .01% that the statement does not apply to, and have a legitimate medical reason for being fat, then this statement is not speaking to you is it? Calm down.
Elizabeth – one more thing, I have never claimed to be Christ like. Never will. That’s a cheap shot. Would Christ have done that? Pious Christians who defend obesity by throwing Jesus into the argument are having to stoop pretty low to defend themselves, I’d say. As for the crosses on my walls, as I said in the video, they are art – so yep, just decoration.
I am sure you get tired of hearing this, but I love your honesty. I just recently came across one of you blogs and at first was a bit offended by what you had stated, then realized that what you said was absolutely right. I also have some severe medical concerns which have caused me to be placed in the “obese” category, although I am only 30 lbs over what our society considers an average weight for a woman of my age. I completely agree with your response to Elizabeth’s statement. She would be the exception to your statement and our society is aiding in killing our children by over feeding and encouraging them to eat unhealthy.
I know that my response of agreement and the little bit of personal information given is so non-essential in your life, I just wanted to speak my mind.
Have an awesome day (if you choose to)
Thanks Dawn, I really appreciate your response. And it is always good to hear when you are appreciated in any way so I never tire of kind words!
I lkike what you said on Fox Business News network about not spending more than you make. Too bad that wasn’t on your list too.
Love the list, Larry. And yup, I’m fat. And I have absolutely no excuse for it, other than I eat too much and exercise too little. And you’re right, doing something to shorten my life, and potentially my quality of life, is stupid behavior. I’m lazy when it comes to my weight issues, like 99.99% of the other fat folk out there. But I’m also smart, considerate, respectful, funny, charitable, authentic and a whole bunch of other adjectives that make me who I am.
So I have no problem with #12 on your list. Let’s face it, if we all didn’t have room for improvement, there wouldn’t be a need for lists like yours in the first place!
Thanks for keeping us accountable.
Lori – I LOVE your post! Thanks so much.
Larry – Thank you for your top 12! They are exactly what I needed to be reminded of today. I do try to live by all 12 of them but I don’t hit on all of them as consistently as I would like.
Also, thank you for responding to people when they go on a tirade, it’s important that we all start expecting more out of ourselves and each other.
Elizabeth…calm down. There are exceptions to every rule. If someone was mentally retarded they would be exempt from rules 1 – 12. What Larry, I believe, is trying to say is IF you are fat BECAUSE you do not eat right and exercise, THEN you are unnecessarily shortening your life when you do not need to.
If a majority or even a high percentage of people were fat because of pre-existing conditions like yours chances are it wouldn’t have been #12. But you know that the vast majority of fat people are fat because of bad eating and low-activity habits. So stop trying to make people feel guilty about getting fit and being proud.
Speaking of, it’s gym time baby!!
Being fat is the result of a consistent pattern of bad decisions, so in a way it is “stupid”.
Being significantly overweight is associated with a variety of health problems so it is not just a matter of appearance or vanity. The choices you make which impact your weight also impact your health and since your health is a significant factor in your longevity and functional ability it is “stupid” to act in a manner inconsistent with maintaining good health.
From a financial standpoint, being healthier can mean a considerable reduction in health costs over the long run as well as greater income both from greater productivity and the influence of your appearance on people’s perception of you and how that affects hiring and promotion.
The cost of a gym membership or good home gym equipment and healthier food (grass fed beef and wild caught fish, lots of leafy, cruciferous and colorful vegetables, fresh fruit and nuts, etc.) is much less in the long term than the cost of many health problems associated with being overweight.
Also, if you are a parent you have a responsibility to your children to teach them how to be healthy, happy adults, and a big part of that is setting an example. While being fat isn’t as bad as smoking crack in front of your children, it certainly isn’t sending the right message.
Michelle – no one can say that I’m not involved or that some staffer does this stuff for me, that’s for sure!! People need to be held accountable for their actions and their words. I don’t mind disagreement if someone makes an intelligent argument from a different perspective. But I won’t let folks get by with putting words in my mouth either! Thanks for posting.
Larry and Elizabeth,
The concept of being a victim is one I never truly considered until I met my lovely wife at the age of 44. I had never considered myself a victim. I never blamed anyone for my obesity in my 20’s and 30’s, and I knew that the only person who could change me is me. I learned about (or became aware about) the victim mentality through the teaching of my wife who is a holistic health coach. The idea of not being someones victim was an awareness I had not heretofore acknowledged. But dear Elizabeth, when I read your post I could not help but think that you have some issues with your health (by the way we all have issues). But instead of lashing out when it clearly was not you Larry was referring to, perhaps some introspection is warranted. We have all arrived here with some lessons to learn and if you are willing to take a look at the joys and blessings you can gain from not personalizing your health situation perhaps you can find some joy .
All i got from Elizibeth’s rant was a indirect backhand way of saying i can’t afford to be healthy. Surpised she didn’t ask Larry for a donation. no one said slim was the goal. healthy is. some people are “bigger” then others and will always be that. Obese is just that. you will be judged by society as lazy, disgusting and a drain on resourses. doesn’t make it right or correct. people stereotype and always will as they are conditioned. If you walk out the door with a defensive attitude, then why are you surprised people comment?i see the same with minorities, gay and even EMO’s. believe it or not 99.99% of the world really don’t care what you do.
I read this when it was posted but didn’t feel compelled to write a reply until I read some other comments on Larry’s page making fun of the poster who was offended. I am not sure how the jokes are helpful however, I didn’t take offense to Larry’s last point about weight. Here is why…I have spent a great deal of my life fat. I know where Elizabeth is coming from. I agree with her that it is very hurtful to hear stupid and fat in the same sentence. When I was 19 my top weight was 240. I was tormented all through school and most nights cried myself to sleep. At 12 I began to engage in bulimia which lead me to 8 years of hell. I was depressed, I couldn’t participate in shopping with my friends because nothing in the stores they went to would have clothes that fit me. I felt so bad about myself that many times made me consider suicide. I knew I couldn’t stick with a diet for more than a few hours. I was binging and purging daily and my weight kept going up. My life consisted of eating, purging and trying to cover up my food addiction. I hesitated to ride in cars with my friends because I didn’t know if the seat belt in their car would fit around me. I broke out in a sweat after a shower, I couldn’t reach to shave my legs properly, when I sat on a chair I had anxiety it would not hold me, I couldn’t run in gym and I went to bed every night vowing tomorrow would be different. I would stay on that diet, I would use the gym, I would put myself first, I would get healthy etc and every morning I would wake up asking myself how I was going to get my binge foods, purge in secret and cover up what I was doing. I knew how to count calories, I knew of most diets, I paid money to join gyms. Knowledge and advice is not what I was short on. I hit my bottom at 19 when I saw the agony I was causing my family and when a specialist told me I wouldn’t live another 2 years if I continued. For me my low bottom was a blessing. I was ready to make a change. I joined a program and stopped binging and purging. I also lost 100 pounds that year. What helped me? It wasn’t the person who asked me if I knew the number to weight watchers, it wasn’t the person who told me the gym was my friend, it wasn’t the person who asked me if I needed more groceries, it wasn’t the person who drew pictures of fat people and taped it to my desk at school, it wasn’t the person who called me fat or stupid. It wasn’t the person making noises behind me as I walked down the hall. Someone mentioned that Elizabeth is over sensitive. How could she not be? It wasn’t because of a comment Larry made. I suspect it is from a long history of horrible comments from people who don’t have a clue what our journey has been like. I don’t consider what Larry said cruel. I believe what he said was honest yet harsh. I know for me harsh or direct comments hurt because I knew it was true. I was busted and people were on to me. It was easier to be a victim and complain about how mean people are than to look myself in the mirror and take responsibility for where my life was headed. Over eating and putting your health at risk is not wise. It is also very difficult to change years of bad eating habits. I don’t think Larry believes that his comment is enough to help people lose the weight and stop overeating. I think he is making a strong suggestion to encourage people to get the resources they need to make necessary changes that will extend people’s lives and lead to a happier state of being. Could he have said it more gently? Sure. However, people sugar coating things for me wasn’t enough to make me change. I wish to remind posters that Larry didn’t make weight jokes as some did on his page. That is just not effective and actually doesn’t encourage change. It just makes people like me want to eat more to numb the pain of this crulty. If you can get past the sting of Larry’s comment and look for the truth I think you may see that Over eating, gaining too much weight, shortening your life, minimizing what you can do etc isn’t smart. I agree with his point even though I have compassion for the offended poster. Sometimes to bring about change people have to care more about your life than sparing your feelings. If you are truly honest with yourself Elizabeth and still come to the conclusion that it is only your medical condition that is the cause of all your excess weight then like he said, he is not talking about you. Instead he is talking about people like me and I agree with his bottom line. I managed to keep my weight off for 10 years. The last four it has slowly increased. I could say it is was my 3 back to back pregnancies, medication I had to take, blah blah blah but I also know the reasons are not important. I need to make the best choices one meal at a time and if I want to get back down to my goal again I must take personal responsibility and follow a plan of action. I would rather do that and lose the weight than eat myself back up to 240 or more and complain about all the people who are mean to fat women. I tried that and it didn’t work. I am thankful I don’t have 100 pounds to lose this time. Seems losing 5 pounds this time is harder than losing the hundred I lost at 19. This just means I have to work harder! Sorry for the long post. It is an issue very close to my heart.
Larry’s statement regarding fat people is spot on for the 99.99% of us who are fat because it is OUR FAULT! I have let my health slip the last few years because I didn’t care about it. And I take full responsibility for it and for those of us who are born completely healthy, it is stupid to piss that health down the drain through laziness and binge eating. I have therefore made it a top priority this year to improve it! Thanks for the list Larry.
I think this lady is completely off the mark, While I do agree that Some ppl are special cases, the truth is, calories in and calories out. If her body has absorption issues, she can drink most of her nutrients by way of juicing etc .. I promise you that anyone who eats 12-15 servings of fruits and vegetables a day will fall well within the healthy weight range for their height.. Larry you hit it on the head. While this lady is full of long winded excuses as to why she cant succeed. I’m not buying her excuses, until I see her “daily diet” I’m 99.9999% convinced she is NOT eating right, for her bodies needs. So your statement holds true. the only thing more stupid than being overweight, is making excuses for why you are that way. Send her to “the biggest loser ranch” for 6 weeks. Ill bet $1,000 she loses weight, and comes away with a more healthy mentality towards food
I’m thankful for the obese people. For me, their obesity is a benefit. First, I run a buffet and they come to eat, which makes me money. Second, I am 15 pounds overweight. The bigger they get the skinner I look.
I think the fact that most comments so far are focused on #12 proves the point.
As an Australian used to being blunt I will say that I have never been a great fan of some Americans living outside America who play the ‘kings of the world/sources of final knowledge on any given topic’ card at any given opportunity.
Having said that, I am a big fan of Larry who reflects my own attitudes. Blunt and straight to the point.
Its been a few years since I first listened to some of Larry’s audio presentations and I liked them then as much as I do now. We implemented most of the ideas from them in our small Australian business and now we have a larger Australian business as well as three offices in Asia. All by following the simple suggestions and sticking to the plan.
Since then I have also purchased some of Larry’s DVD’s, implement the suggestions and the results are good.
In the old testament days the message was ‘pick up thy bed and walk’, in todays Australian vernacular that same message is ‘get up off your arse and do something positive’.
I already have most of Larry’s 12 suggestions implemented in my life but its always good to have another reminder.
Thanks Larry. Love the list. Agree with you on your responses. I’ve got your first “Shut up and stop..” book but just got a gift card to the book store and said I better pick up the revised version today.
I loved this list–like I love ALL of your books, the TV show in the past…
This is the first time I’ve read this blog. What SHOCKED me is that I read through the comments and YOU POSTED to Elizabeth.
I figured you just put the stuff out there and I had no idea you were this interactive.
I’m absolutely impressed. It feels like your readers matter.
Thank you! You just rock.
Gloria – welcome to the blog. I am very interactive on my blog and even more on the Larry Winget Fan Page on facebook. Join us there for the real fun!
First of all I think all those bashing Elizabeth, should read 11 and apply it. After saying that, I feel that I should state that I completely agree with Larry. I am fat and know that it is something that I need to change, but I am too lazy to do so at this time. The way I have decide to live my life is to only worry about what those closest to me (including myself) feel about me. If someone looks at me while I am walking down the street and says “Wow, he is fat ” Do I really care what he/she feels about me. No. Their opinions do not mean much to me. If they did I would change. If I spent my whole life worrying what other thought of me I would not be living my life. Sorry to rant. My 2 final comments. 1. Larry you are a great orator of common sense. Keep it up. 2. You being fat is your fault…unless it is not.
Thank You
John Prine “Bruised Orange” “That’s the way the world goes round.”
Great advice! Way to put things into perspective. My favorites are keep learning, be authentic, Stay busy and laugh more. Short sweet and to the point… 🙂 That’s my motto. Larry you’re a rock star! Thanks.
Hi Larry,
#10 Be courteous – You want to hear a funny but cynical one:
In Ottawa (Canada) being courteous kinda promote poor customer service: When I buy something, I give money to the cashier; the cashier gives me my change and respond “here you go”. I then says “thank you”.
One could argue the cashier’s response is just normal talk, it’s not meant to be impolite. To that I reply, it’s just a lack of education – parent’s education.
BTW – When are you coming to Ottawa? I would take some time off to attend your conference.
Larry, your comment was “It’s stupid to be fat and die before you have to” – direct quote.
Larry attached a physical symptom to an intelligence level. I am frustrated… and disgusted by ENCOURAGING the ignorant overgeneralization that being fat makes you stupid. That’s as ignorant as saying that any minority group is stupid, or that handicapped people are stupid. Sometimes obesity is a symptom of a handicap of a different kind.
So.. being bulimic is smarter? Being anorexic is smarter? Having liposuction is smarter?? Please tell me none of the critics honestly believe that. But that’s the logic, when you follow it all the way through.
Yup, I am defensive and frustrated. It comes from listening to the BS that people throw around, claiming to be in-the-know.
For those of you that bashed my diet, etc.: Proof positive that again, there is a lot of ignorant assumptions being made. I am on prescription vitamins, both oral and injectable, eat 98% lean meat, chicken with no skin (baked not fried), 5 servings of vegetables on the average a day (without fattening /sugary condiments or butter), 3 fresh whole fruit a day, whole grains only… and legumes. I don’t cook the @#$% out of them. I use spices (rather than salt) to season my food. I’ve kissed aspartame and saccharin goodbye.
My blood pressure and blood sugar levels are normal. My LDL is excellent, although my HDL is low (no big surprise) I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic. Any armchair physicians interested in the rest… just give me your email address and I’ll be happy to share my last blood test. I’m sure you know a lot more than my endocrinologist @ Baylor.
I lost 3 friends in the last 2 years that were incredibly fit and health conscious…one a semi-professional athlete.. all close to my age. They’re gone, despite their best efforts to prolong their lives. Perhaps they would have died even sooner, had they not been so health conscious, but we will never know that.
I am not crying ‘victim’.. I was refuting the “stupid” accusation by illustrating the lengths that I have gone to, researching and pursuing ways to improving my health, ad nauseum. Despite the hand I’ve been dealt, I refuse to give up and back down until I have exhausted every avenue. Victims, on the other hand, just throw their hands up in the air, flop on the couch, turn on the TV and give up.
I’ve spent more on health this decade than most people will in a lifetime. That’s not stupid. That’s someone who is stubborn and unwilling to believe I’m going to be stuck like this forever. That’s someone who knows what is at stake, both for my son and myself. I take responsibility for doing as much as possible to improve my situation, until circumstances prohibit it. Then I move on again, once the obstacle is removed.. or I pursue another avenue. That’s someone who’s stupid??
What’s stupid is pointing the finger and making intelligence or character generalizations, just to make oneself more self-satisfied. It’s cheap…and it’s ignorant.
Elizabeth, read again my earlier response to you: If you are fat (which does lead to an earlier death) due to overeating and lack of exercise, it is stupid. In that set of circumstances, people who are fat are stupid. Therefore, you are correct that I am equating obesity to stupidity. So I stand by the statement “it is stupid to be fat and die before you have to.”
By the way, you said that I attached a physical symptom to an intellectual level. Obesity is rarely a symptom – it is 99.9% of the time, a result. It is the result of bad choices. Bad choices that threaten your health are both stupid and selfish. Your posting said that I imply that being fat makes you stupid. I didn’t imply that at all. However, being stupid can make you fat. I’m not implying that, I am saying that outright. The decision to take in more calories than you burn combined with lack of exercise to the point of obesity which results in an earlier death that would normally happen to the same person if they were not fat is a stupid decision.
No one with any sense could argue with that statement. No doctor, no health professional, no dietician and no reasonable fat person either (just read all of the comments from people who are overweight here.) Stop arguing with that simple point, you look silly and sad when you do because there is NO argument to that statement. To quote Forrest Gump, “Stupid is and stupid does.” That means that anyone who consistently does stupid things is stupid. Simple deduction that is again impossible to argue with.
Read my book People Are Idiots And I Can Prove It if you really want to get upset with me. In that book, I offend all kinds of people who have idiotic behaviors. i also say that it is pointless to argue with someone who has issues like you are displaying; so I am not going too. Good luck with your health problems.
Hmmmm, all this focus on number 12. A complete waste of my time. While everyone focuses on 12 I’m going to get on with continuing to action all the others as I know my life will be better as a result.
Larry, you’re the best. Thanks.
After read all this blog and Elizabet’s case, I would like to say that “nobody can make you feel bad.” You are the one that control your feelings, so nobody can make you feel bad unless you decided to do it.
Hold your feelings and control your attitude and your life will be easier.
Focus on the right and good things and they will manifest in your life. Talk about bad things all time and they will come to your life.
Try to be as happy as you can every day and you will find out that it is the way to happiness.
Hi Larry,
I am so srory I never heard of you before, but this article was sent yo me by a friend, and he rarely ever does that, so I thought it would be worth reading, and it was. Today, I especially can relate to is # 6. I have just retired and then found out I will need a new dental implants in the overall
overall scene of things-after ll, I have 11 of them I know what expect both financially and the disconfort of the recaaovering and the time between adding bond graft and he weeks before the
Implant fcn acrally be done. But I was not prepared for the pain of it becoming infected and how sick the antibitoics and pain made me, , I read this jusi as I was going to cycle through thr whining and complaining mode, but you reminded me how. blessed I am.