Government Spending and YOUR Spending!

Government Spending and YOUR Spending [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] In this rant, Larry talks about how the government spend its money and how people spend their money. Lots of lessons here, so pay attention! Order Larry’s Latest Book! We’ve become a society of weenies. Think about it: we…

What’s Wrong with America?

What’s Wrong with America? [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] What’s wrong with America? A rant by Larry Winget. Order Larry’s Latest Book! We’ve become a society of weenies. Think about it: we get bad service, for the most part we don’t do a thing about it. We walk down…

18 Year Old Girl Sues Parents

18 Year Old Girl Sues Parents [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] Larry with Cavuto on Fox News debating whether the brat teenager who sued her parents is right or wrong. Can’t believe some people think she is right!! Order Larry’s Latest Book! We’ve become a society of weenies. Think…

Marriage & Financial Problems

Marriage & Financial Problems [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] Reports show that 37% of people won’t marry until their debt is paid off. “Love may be blind but it shouldn’t be stupid. And its absolutely stupid to marry somebody who has a horrible financial situation. Especially when money is…

Kids Should Play Sports!

Kids Should Play Sports! [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] Larry appears on Fox & Friends discussing the growing trend of children not playing youth sports. He discusses the great lessons learned through sports and the long-term effects of not learning these valuable lessons. Order Larry’s Latest Book! We’ve become…

Too Much Praise Can Hurt Your Kids

Too Much Praise Can Hurt Your Kids [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] There could be a troubling new trend. The “Praisification” of America. A new study says praising your kids too much unjustly can actually turn them into underachievers. Listen to Larry discuss how heaping unmerited praise on your…

Larry Winget on Fox News/Your World with Neil Cavuto

Larry on Fox News/Your World with Neil Cavuto [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] So you thought marriage was all about sharing. Well, not when it comes to bank accounts. Turns out more and more couples are keeping their money separate these days with finances being the top reason for…

It’s 2014, so Dump the Resolutions and Commit!

It’s 2014, So Dump the Resolutions & Commit! [su_youtube_advanced url=”” rel=”no” theme=”dark”][youtube url=”” width=”570″ height=”350″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″][/su_youtube_advanced] It’s 2014, and like most people you’ve probably made some new year’s resolutions. Well let me save you a little bit of time and some frustration. Go ahead and dump the resolutions now because chances are…