Larry Winget on FOX Taking on Lavar Ball & The Decline of Parenting

Larry Winget on Fox Business talking about Lavar Ball’s comments about his son being arrested in China and the decline of good parenting. Larry Winget is a six-time New York Times/Wall Street Journal bestselling author, speaker and social commentator. He is a member of the Speaker Hall Of Fame, has starred in his own television series and appeared in national television commercials.

Larry Winget on FOX Taking on Critics of Boy Mowing White House Lawn

Larry on Fox Business taking on the bozos who trashed the President over allowing a boy to mow the WH lawn with OSHA issues and child labor practices. Ridiculous argument!! Larry Winget is a six-time New York Times/Wall Street Journal bestselling author, speaker and social commentator. He is a member of the Speaker Hall Of Fame, has starred in his own television series and appeared in national television commercials.